The new school year has begun, and you decided to seriously study English. You thought it would be a good idea to teach, for example, one hundred words every week. What a very good plan! So in a year you will enrich your vocabulary by more than five thousand words. True, the question arises: what is the easiest way to memorize new words? Let’s figure it out.

Method 1
The easiest way is to cut cards with unfamiliar words. On one side you write the word in English, on the other side you write the translation. And while you are shaking in transport on the way to work / school, you go through these cards and memorize the words. So you will not only enrich your vocabulary, but also earn the respect of grandmothers and be known as an intellectual. True, it can be somewhat problematic to get your cards in a crowded transport and then not to lose them all over the car. You can, of course, string the cards together and make something like a small book, then your brain can remember which word comes after what and this exercise will lose its former effectiveness.

Fans of technical innovations can use their phone instead of cards and download a program on it that will check whether you have memorized a new word. However, it can be difficult to find a program that will “drive” you exactly the words that you need. Most often, such applications already have their own sets of words, which you are invited to learn.

An example of such a program is Duolingo

Method 2
Spend all day at the computer? Install a program that will ask you about the meaning of a new word when it sees fit. On top of tables, graphs or cats from the Internet, a dialog box will appear prompting you to choose the correct translation of the word. The window will close only after your reply. So, if you want – you don’t want to learn the words themselves.
This method is suitable for people whose work does not involve stress and making quick decisions. For the rest, such a program will be more effective on a home computer.

An example of such a program is WordsTeacher

Method 3
Have you always dreamed of becoming a translator and have a lot of free time? Then don’t learn words in isolation, try to work with them in context. Take a short passage in English and try to translate it. Look for unfamiliar words in dictionaries, look for the most suitable place for them in sentences and memorize. After a few days, you can go back to your translation and check how well you remember the new words. True, if the translation of the sentence was very easy for you, there is a chance that you may forget the meaning of the new word.

Method 4
Try to make your sentences from the words to remember. Do not come up with any dreary sentences like “Mom washed the frame.” Try to think of something more fun. Ideally, if your phrase will be somehow connected personally with you.

For example, make up sentences with all the weekly words about what stupid things your ex-boyfriend likes or phrases about what you would like to the passport office employee. Experience suggests that in such situations, the names of weapons or dangerous animals are perfectly remembered. Your own baggage of knowledge, laughter and positive infusion will help you learn new words much faster. Re-reading such creativity every day, you will not only memorize the words, but also cheer yourself up.

Method 5
Find an association in Russian for a difficult word. Think about it, what word in your native language does it look like, that it reminds you? For example, the word “carpet” sounds a bit like the word “kapets”. But if you think about it, this is what threatens you if you spill fruit juice on your mother’s favorite carpet. You can memorize new words by imagining how an ox blows a wall (wall), a thief hides plums in sleeves (sleeves), and some children wander around your lawn (lawn). This way of memorizing will help you look at the world from an unexpected angle and will help develop your imagination.

Of course, each of us has a favorite way to memorize words. Someone repeats them at night like a multiplication table, others read the pages of the dictionary to the holes. Try our options for memorizing words. Combining these methods, you will notice that even the most difficult words gradually find a place in your head and pop up on demand.